Stories from High School
What's love got to do with it.

My first serious, rip your heart out, cant eat for months broken heart considered "first true love" was the infamous Tony Giannola, he was so damn hot I was drawn to him like a moth.
He would get me out of english class and we would sneak downstairs right by the stairwells everyone smoked. We would crawl behind the cement stairs and make out. Yep If I could fit thru that tiny little space again I would see this huge big heart with our names on it.
I would so love to have a picture of him out of the 1976 yr book, I have never forgotten him, I think his birthday was even in April but he was a real nice guy just a typical guy wanting a piece of ass, which he did get from another "friend" and classmate.
Tony was murdered in Trenton in 1978 I believe at his apartment, he will forever be in my heart and I think of him fondly. Kimberly Totzkay 

Kimberly Totzky
School plays and the Trenton HS ALLStar review

Almost forgot this stuff. Will probably remember more once I dig out the yearbooks. I will never forget the time I was at a sneekpeak of the upcoming play, "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying", and I forgot to wear my dance shorts uder my verrrry short flip skirt and gave the entire assembly audience a true sneek peak!!!!! I heard about that for a month in the halls. Never forgot those shorts again, I can tell ya!

Janet Young(Marsee)

Grant me the senility to forget the people

I never liked anyway,

the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and

the eyesight to tell the difference.


Melanie Anderson
campus life


    We had a lot of fun in our Campus Life Club thirty

one years ago.  Along with Gary Collins we had a lot of

different games that we play . One memorable expirience was when we put the shaving cream

in the one of youth group leader shoes with toliet paper

along with that.

sherry (trombley)ham

sherry (trombley) ham