Gary Schwartz
Since our last reunion, a great deal has happened in my personal life.

In September 2015, I was diagnosed with a rare (terminal) brain cancer, so rare that there are less than 50 people worldwide with the type of cancer I have. I underwent two operations totaling 16 hours of surgery which removed approximately 70% of the tumors. Following the second surgery, I underwent 30 radiation treatments, followed by 13 months of chemo.

My cancer forced me to retire from Trenton Public Schools on October 1, 2017. I didn't retire because I wanted too, I retired because I had too, emotionally, there's a difference.

Two years ago I walked my second daughter down the aisle.

I am also a two-time grandfather, three and two year old grand daughters who live in Chicagoland. Saying that makes me feel old.

I want to be young and healthy again, just like high school!

Several times a year I get together with a few classmates (Dr. Dale Petrusha, Rick Owen, occasionally Dennis Olah, and Don Gadille). Prior to my retirement, I also saw Dave French on a regular basis as he is currently the School Board President and has been a member of the SB for a few years now.

Sincere Love to all!

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