nancy fouts (sullivan)
Long time - still the same me- with lots of great experiences along the way! My family moved to Phoenix during our senior year but Trenton always had my heart so I graduated from THS, missing only the last couple months of senior year. I went on to get a BS degree from Northern Arizona University and recently acquired a Masters Degree in Education from there. I am happily married to a great guy (Dave) for 28 years and have 4 awesome kids. Kristi (23), Cory (17), Haley and Eric (14). I worked in the medical field for many years, took time off to raise the kids, and am now in my second career of elementary school teaching. I enjoyed both careers but love the summers off. I've enjoyed a wonderfully busy and full life so far and expect many more to come. For instance, a couple months ago my husband gave me a present. He sent me to Drag Racing School for 4 days. I learned how to drag race and received my NHRA license! Quite a blast. It's good to hear so many happy lives are out there from our class but saddened also, at many friends we've lost. Thanks for the memories.