i loved to hear from my old church youth
group from the first presbyterian church
of trenton. well i lived here at salem,mo
for 24 yrs.i just visited my brother charlie
trombley last summer up there in mich.
i was there from july 19th thur aug 2nd 2007.
boy i was shock to see everything has changed
alot since i left from michigan on sept 1st, 1984.
now i belong to the church named new harmony
it has two morning workship services. and i'm divorced
from john k.ham for 26 yrs now . we have one son his
named is christopher lee ham he is 25 half yrs old.
he lives in farmington,mo in the group home.
i lived in the ils home with the boxx's family
lived there for 7yrs. we have a small mini farm.
with chickens ,ducks, geeses, geniua's two dogs one is
outside he still in the barn yard animals and we have
dog stay in our house she is 11 yrs old she is a terrier
and yorkie mixed her name is breed.
you can write to me here at the address sherry
ham rt 5 box 4325 salem,mo 65560 loved to
hear from anyone old classmates.
love you,